Private Social Journal
Logg is a private and social journal that you can keep your activities and moments safe in one place. Plus, you can add notes, photos, audios, and locations.

"I was looking for something like a personal blog to track my day
and I’ve finally found it. Very easy to use."Wonderful-dawnr1101 -
"Well, storing your every moments are great. And it is really simple.
I loved interface. Spotify integration is quite cool.
Go Logg, I will support you 👍🏻"It’s really my life 😊-redbathedguy -
"I have been using Logg every day for months. It is so convenient
and I love that I can filter my logg by my own categories so I can see
all the passed times I am doing something specific
really easily. I like seeing my calendar of Loggs at a glance."Love my Logg-Mon Mandyish -
"I’m so glad I stumbled upon this app. I downloaded it and took me
a few days to get into the habit of using it but once I got the hang of it,
I found it to be useful to track my time and my note my activities
so that I can reflect back on each day and each week.
It has helped me to live more mindfully and consciously, and not to take
time for granted."Great for tracking your life and living more mindfully-Kelvin Kuan -
"Logg makes me feel more private to share a room for thought
for myself to myself. If u ask whats diff with diary keeping.
Well i think it’s more than a memo. It’s the moment when you record it 🙂
and when you look back to read... it’s easy to search.
And you can remember the exact moment u feel when you post it."Like it. Finally my personal timeline-FrenzyVammi -
"No need for paper journals no more"What an app-Z2B8
"I was looking for such app and after this I have everything now.
Good job and keep it up."Excellent App-Zia waseer -
"Ich hab lange gesucht um mit wenigen Klicks kurz
etwas einzutragen und dabei Fotos zu integrieren.
Hier geht es mit wenigen Einstellungen schnell etwas zu erfassen
und dann in einer Timeline nachzuvollziehen.
Vielen Dank! Ich hoffe es kommen noch schöne Einstellungen hinzu!"Schnell Einfach und Interessant-Grani1967 -
"Simple, agile, flexible, fast, digi-diary
Out of that its a good app , perfect mix between fb and insta"Just Perfect-_no_namee__ -
"Really useful app. I can log my habits and things that i forget easily.
I really like the userface. Easy to access all categories.
Probably going to use this app daily now 🙂 "Finally!! The app that I’m looking-Mcrserkan -
"I NEVER NEVER NEVER write reviews but this app is the app
I’ve been searching for!! UI is nice to look at and easy to use,
gives you premade categories to choose from or the ability to create
your own, you can filter categories, search, look at the statistics,
time tasks, and create reminders! "Finally!! The app that I’m looking-JollyLittleMiniMoose

Private Social Journal
Logg is a private and social journal that you can keep your activities and moments safe in one place. Plus, you can add notes, photos, audios, and locations.
"I was looking for something like
a personal blog to track my day
and I’ve finally found it.
Very easy to use."Wonderful-dawnr1101 -
"Well, storing your every
moments are great. And it is really
simple. I loved interface.
Spotify integration is quite cool.
Go Logg, I will support you 👍🏻"It’s really my life 😊-redbathedguy -
"I have been using Logg every day
for months. It is so convenient
and I love that I can filter my logg
by my own categories so I can see
all the passed times I am doing
something specific really easily.
I like seeing my calendar of Loggs
at a glance."Love my Logg-Mon Mandyish -
"I’m so glad I stumbled upon this app.
I downloaded it and took me a few days
to get into the habit of using it
but once I got the hang of it, I found it
to be useful to track my time and my note
my activities so that I can reflect back
on each day and each week. It has
helped me to live more mindfully
and consciously, and not to take
time for granted."Great for tracking your life
and living more mindfully-Kelvin Kuan -
"Logg makes me feel more private
to share a room for thought for myself
to myself. If u ask whats diff with diary
keeping. Well i think it’s more than
a memo. It’s the moment when you
record it :)and when you look
back to read... it’s easy to search.
And you can remember the exact
moment u feel when you post it."Like it. Finally my personal timeline-FrenzyVammi -
"No need for paper journals no more"What an app-Z2B8
"I was looking for such app
and after this I have everything now.
Good job and keep it up."Excellent App-Zia waseer -
"Ich hab lange gesucht um
mit wenigen Klicks kurz etwas
einzutragen und dabei Fotos zu
integrieren. Hier geht es mit wenigen
Einstellungen schnell etwas zu erfassen
und dann in einer Timeline
nachzuvollziehen. Vielen Dank! Ich hoffe
es kommen noch schöne
Einstellungen hinzu!"Schnell Einfach und Interessant-Grani1967 -
"Simple, agile, flexible, fast, digi-diary
Out of that its a good app ,
perfect mix between fb and insta"Just Perfect-_no_namee__ -
"Really useful app. I can log my habits
and things that i forget easily. I really like
the userface. Easy to access all categories.
Probably going to use this app daily now 🙂 "Finally!! The app that I’m looking-Mcrserkan -
"I NEVER NEVER NEVER write reviews
but this app is the app I’ve been
searching for!! UI is nice to look at
and easy to use, gives you premade
categories to choose from or the ability
to create your own, you can filter
categories, search, look at
the statistics, time tasks,
and create reminders! "Finally!! The app that I’m looking-JollyLittleMiniMoose
Logg is a social journal that
you can follow your friends,
like and comment on their logs. -
Discover new friends
with common interests and see
what other people doing -
TIMER & COUNTDOWNStop forgetting your
duties and easily create a reminder.
Start timer or countdown
for a category. -
AND STATICS VIEWEasily view your moments in Calendar
View Check your logs daily, weekly
or yearly in Statics Page -
Thanks to more than
500 predefined categories you can
record whole activities and create
new categories as you want -
Filter by category and
only see category specific activities.
Back us on
Logg is a social journal that you can follow your friends,
like and comment on their logs. -
Discover new friends with common interests and see
what other people doing -
TIMER & COUNTDOWNCreate reminders for any kind of activities.
Stop forgetting your duties and easily create a reminder.
Start timer or countdown for a category. -
AND STATICS VIEWEasily view your moments in Calendar View
Check your logs daily, weekly or yearly in Statics Page -
Thanks to more than 500 predefined categories you can record
whole activities and create new categories as you want -
Filter by category and only see category specific activities.
Save Your Journey With Logg
The greatest life logging app. Record, Track and Remember your every time.

500 Categories and More
With reminder, timer and notification features on more than 500 categories you can log everything.
Your Data is Safe
You can set all your entries are private and only visible to you even your profile type is public.

Get Social with Friends
Logg is a social journal that you can follow your friends, like and comment on their loggs.